Video Embedding Tutorial

Step One: Find a Video!

You can embed any video you want, so long as it is a supported file type.
However, file formats you want to stick to are .mp4 and .mov as they are the most supported video formats.
Start searching away and find the video that best fits your website!

Step Two: Download Your Video!

Once you have found a video you want to embed, you will need to download it!
If you don't already have the file, you need to find a website that provides a file converter.
Most of the time, you can find your video on YouTube, so searching for a "YouTube to .mp4" will generally provide a good option.

Step Three: Write the Code!

To actually implement or "embed" the video into your website, you need to first know the code behind it.
To reference the video in your assets, you need to write the sources name and type.

Step Four: Set the Dimensions!

After you have properly referenced the source file, you might want to set the dimensions to your liking.
You can simply do this with the width and height parameters.

Step Five: Congratulations!

You've successfully embedded a video, just like this!